Sunday, June 6, 2010

Maths and AI

Maths is so complex that most of people don't want to touch with it.But most of our science of computer is related to maths.Most of discovery of AI is related to maths now.But if all of science of AI is related to maths closely?

When we was born from the god, we didn't know what is maths and what is induction, but we can realize Mum is most likely long haired and dad is most likely short haired.We can classify, But we do not know the maths principle of classification. Until now,most of us can do something on schedule, but most of us do not know what is Operational Research.Although we may not know the principle of the maths, but we have intelligence yet.

So if all of our psychology action is according to maths principle?Obviously the answer is no.In fact, some maths principle is comes from our psychology action, for example the induction, not the reverse of that.

So if all of AI discovery is comes from maths?Maybe the answer is no.

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