Thursday, April 15, 2010

Data Mining in Artificial Intelligence

Data mining,also known as KDD(Knowledge Discovery in Database) is applied in many subjects nowadays,like commercial application,search engine etc.It partly comes from subjects of Artificial Intelligence ,like Machine Learning,Artificial Neural Networks etc.But can it be used by Artificial Intelligence?

My answer is Surely it can be.My lower article introduce the induction maybe is the key of artificial intelligence,but how to use induction in A.I. is a problem.Data mining maybe is the key of how to use induction.

But maybe someone will say:"Data mining has applied many years,but it's effect in A.I. is not doing well,A.I. progress stagnates yet. A sample is a lot of result of search engine is not applicable."His word is fact.But I will say:"It's not the fault of data mining,it's fault is on the way of how to use data mining in A.I.,and the algorithms of data mining has some space of improving."

We all know the process of data mining includes: problem definition,data collection and data preprocessing,data mining,result interpreting and evaluating.Except that data mining is done by computer automatically,other process need artificial operation or it is fixed process.If we need it be used by A.I.,we need all of the process is done automatically.

But how it can be done automatically,what is the process contains? The answer maybe is a key and the difficulty of artificial intelligence.

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